Defensible Space and Fire Safe Home
- Defensible Space
- Defensible space is the area surrounding a structure where plants and other landscape elements are maintained to decrease fire hazard, and allow firefighters to make a stand; addressing embers and spot fires before they grow.
Hard Facts About How Homes Burn
- Here are some old reminders and new things we've learned most of them from "Assessing Wildfire Hazards in the Home Ignition Zone", a national-level course which teaches people how to determine their home's wildfire risk.
- Here are some old reminders and new things we've learned most of them from "Assessing Wildfire Hazards in the Home Ignition Zone", a national-level course which teaches people how to determine their home's wildfire risk.
- Fire Resilient Homes
- Hardening a home to withstand wildland fire exposure does not have to be costly, but it does require an understanding of the exposures your home will experience when threatened by a wildfire.
Living with Wildfire in Mendocino County
- How to protect yourself, your property, and natural resources: the basics of living in a fire prone landscape.
Road Signs and Address number kits
- Could firefighters or medics find you quickly in an emergency? Missing signs, or unreadable ones, can cost your life!
- Could firefighters or medics find you quickly in an emergency? Missing signs, or unreadable ones, can cost your life!
Home Landscaping for Fire
- Incorporation fire safe concepts into residential landscaping is one of the most important steps to help your home survive a wildfire.
- Incorporation fire safe concepts into residential landscaping is one of the most important steps to help your home survive a wildfire.
Weed Wise pamphlet
- This brochure suggests native and non-native plants appropriate for three zones around a house......
- This brochure suggests native and non-native plants appropriate for three zones around a house......
Living with Fire in Santa Cruz County
- Complimentary information to "Living with Wildfire in Mendocino County."
Forestland Steward
- A monthly statewide periodical on forest stewardship that addresses fire issues in the forest landscape, featuring Mendocino County.
Wildfire Risk Assessment
- Checklist to determine your home’s risk of destruction by wildfire.
Safety Zone
- Suggestions for creating a fire safety zone for use in a wildfire emergency.
- Developing Water Supplies pamphlet 2011
Large Animal Rescue (LAR)
- As guardians of large animals, be proactive in their safety and handling during an emergency.
Community Protection
Mendocino County Community Wildfire Protection Plan
- The Mendocino County Community Wildfire Protection Plan developed in partnership with the Mendocino Fire Safe Council and CalFire to be proactive in community based efforts to address wildland fire safety.